Administrative and Financial Structure Workstream
Supporting the Success of Discovery Advantage
The Administrative and Financial Structure Workstream will focus on the policies, processes, and organizational structures that will ensure Discovery Advantage is successful in implementing change and improving the overall student experience.
Representatives to the Executive Steering Committee
- Paula Voos, Faculty, School of Management and Labor Relations
Steering Committee
- Melissa Blake, Staff, R-Comm (Spring 2023)
- Neal Buccino, Staff, Office of the Chancellor
- Jessica DePaul, Staff, R-Comm (Fall 2023)
- Jason DiPaolo, Staff, Finance
- Barbara Faga, Faculty, Mason Gross School of the Arts
- Coby Green-Rifkin, Staff, Graduate School of Education
- Kenneth Irvine, Faculty/Staff, Waksman Institute
- Michelle Jefferson, Staff, Student Affairs
- Kenneth McKeever, Faculty, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
- Kareem Mumford, Staff, School of Arts and Sciences
- Jillian Prior, Staff, R-Comm
- Elaine Stroud, Staff, School of Management and Labor Relations (Spring 2023)
- Megan Ulozas, Student, School of Engineering
- Thomas Vosseler, Senior Administrator, School of Arts and Sciences
- Nadav Warszawski, Student, School of Arts and Sciences
- Phil Wisneski, Staff, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (Spring 2023)
- Donel Young, Staff, Honors College
- Jeff Zahn, Faculty, School of Engineering
- Jason DiPaolo, Staff, Finance
- Barbara Faga, Faculty, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
- Kenneth Irvine, Faculty/Staff, Waksman Institute
- Michelle Jefferson, Staff, Student Affairs (Spring 2023)
- James Masschaele, Senior Administrator, School of Arts and Sciences
- Kenneth McKeever, Faculty, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
- Mazen Shehat, Staff, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
- Elaine Stroud, Staff, School of Management and Labor Relations (Spring 2023)
- Megan Ulozas, Student, School of Engineering
- Paula Voos, Faculty, School of Management and Labor Relations
- Thomas Vosseler, Senior Administrator, School of Arts and Sciences
- Nadav Warszawski, Student, School of Arts and Sciences
- Phil Wisneski, Staff, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (Spring 2023)
- Melissa Blake, Staff, R-Comm
- Jennifer Hollingshead, Senior Administrator, R-Comm (Spring 2023)
- Neal Buccino, Staff, Office of the Chancellor
- Jessica DePaul, Staff, R-Comm (Fall 2023)
- Coby Green-Rifkin, Staff, Graduate School of Education
- Kareem Mumford, Staff, School of Arts and Sciences
- Jillian Prior, Staff, R-Comm
- Donel Young, Staff, Honors College
- Jeff Zahn, Faculty, School of Engineering
Expected Outcomes
- A plan for the administrative and financial structures necessary to support student success and implement the recommendations of the other Discovery Advantage Workstreams.
- A plan for development of the workforce necessary to implement Discovery Advantage recommendations.
- A proactive, transparent messaging plan to inform key audiences of the work and plans of the Discovery Advantage.

Committee Charges
- Investigate if and how aspects of our current institutional structure create confusion or barriers to success for our students.
- Develop organizational structures that support the recommendations of the other Discovery Advantage Workstreams and provide greater institutional clarity to student success efforts.
Develop a financial model that places a central focus on student success and supports the goals of Discovery Advantage.
Establish a plan for developing the workforce necessary to implement the goals of Discovery Advantage. This will require developing a recruitment plan as well as a training opportunities to allow current staff to move into new or transformed positions in student success.
Develop a communications plan for the Discovery Advantage initiative that builds a shared sense of ownership and commitment to the work.