Advising and Academic Support Workstream
Guiding Students Holistically
The Advising and Academic Support Workstream will re-engineer academic and student support strategies to ensure that they create a supportive learning environment inclusive of all Rutgers–New Brunswick students; guide students in selecting curricular and co-curricular activities that promote timely graduation and career-readiness; and enable students to achieve the Rutgers–New Brunswick learning goals and outcomes.
Representatives to the Executive Steering Committee
- Stacey Blackwell, Staff, Rutgers Learning Centers
- Andrew Baker, Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences (Spring 2023)
- David Wilder, Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences (Fall 2023 - Spring 2024)
Steering Committee
- Carlie Andrews, Staff, Undergraduate Education
- Rachel Bae, Student, School of School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (Spring 2024)
- Sanjib Bhuyan, Faculty, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
- Michael Brown, Staff, School of Engineering
- Neal Buccino, Staff, Office of the Chancellor (Fall 2023–Spring 2024)
- Diane DeLauro, Staff, School of Arts and Sciences
- Jennifer Denard, Staff, Rutgers Learning Centers (Fall 2023–Spring 2024)
- Robin Diamond, Staff, School of Arts and Sciences
- Mallory Everett, Staff, Student Affairs
- Marisa Frustaci, Student, Rutgers Business School (Spring 2024)
- Catrina Gallo, Staff, School of Arts and Sciences
- Shu Hsu, Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences
- Meghan Ingstrup, Staff, School of Communication and Information
- William Jones, Senior Administrator, Career Exploration and Success
- Robert Kurland, Staff, Rutgers Business School
- Noshir Langrana, Faculty, School of Engineering (Spring 2023)
- Randi Larson, Staff, Undergraduate Education
- Ellen Leibowitz, Staff, Mason Gross School of the Arts
- Mei Ling Lo, Faculty, University Libraries
- Kareem Mumford, Staff, School of Arts and Sciences
- Ilene Rosen, Staff, School of Engineering
- Lisa Sanon-Jules, Staff, Mason Gross School of the Arts
- Courtney Stanzione, Senior Administrator, School of Arts and Sciences
- Jeffrey Tan, Student, School of Arts and Sciences (Spring 2024)
- Christina Torian, Staff, Mason Gross School of the Arts
- Julie Traxler, Staff, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
- Thomas Vosseler, Senior Administrator, School of Arts and Sciences
- David Wilder, Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences (Spring 2023)
- Betul Yildiz, Student, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (Spring 2024)
- Ethan Yoo, Student, School of Communication and Information
- Calvin Yu, Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences
- Ilene Rosen, Staff, School of Engineering
- Julie Traxler, Staff, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
- Andrew Baker, Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences (Spring 2023)
- Michael Brown, Staff, School of Engineering
- Shu Hsu, Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences
- Robert Kurland, Staff, Rutgers Business School
- Carolyn Moehling, Senior Administrator, Undergraduate Education
- Ilene Rosen, Staff, School of Engineering
- Lisa Sanon-Jules, Staff, Mason Gross School of the Arts
- Courtney Stanzione, Senior Administrator, School of Arts and Sciences
- Julie Traxler, Staff, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
- Thomas Vosseler, Senior Administrator, School of Arts and Sciences
- David Wilder, Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences
- William Jones, Senior Administrator, Office of Career Exploration and Success
- Sanjib Bhuyan, Faculty, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
- Diane DeLauro, Staff, School of Arts and Sciences
- Noshir Langrana, Faculty, School of Engineering (Spring 2023)
- Randi Larson, Staff, Undergraduate Education
- Mei Ling Lo, Faculty, University Libraries
- Christina Torian, Staff, Mason Gross School of the Arts
- Ethan Yoo, Student, School of Communication and Information
- Calvin Yu, Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences
- Stacey Blackwell, Staff, Rutgers Learning Centers
- Carlie Andrews, Staff, Undergraduate Education
- Robin Diamond, Staff, School of Arts and Sciences
- Catrina Gallo, Staff, School of Arts and Sciences
- Ann Gould, Senior Administrator, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences & Academic Affairs
- Meghan Ingstrup, Staff, School of Communication and Information
- Ellen Leibowitz, Staff, Mason Gross School of the Arts
Expected Outcomes
An advising model that permits the holistic support of all Rutgers–New Brunswick students and ensures coordination among the programs that offer academic and career advising.
Recommendations for shared technological tools that will facilitate the sharing of information and the holistic advising and support of students.
Recommendations for consistent, evidence-based practices and policies across schools that will facilitate school-to-school transfer and enable students to pursue academic goals.
An academic orientation plan that will ensure students use curricular maps and academic support at matriculation.
A plan for coordinated and comprehensive learning assistance that improves student academic performance, increases retention, promotes timely graduation, and reduces student debt

Committee Charges
Overarching Charge: Create an advising model that is inclusive of our students’ voices and adopts successful elements of existing student support services to produce scalable advising and support services for all students. Make recommendations regarding organizational structure, policies and evidence-based practices, and technological solutions to support this model.
Establish an organizational structure that supports the goals of holistic advising and student self- discovery. This structure must ensure high quality and consistent support for all undergraduate students; facilitate the coordination of academic advising, career advising, and student support services; promote student use of major maps and other tools designed to illuminate pathways to academic and career goals; and enable students to complete their degree in a timely manner with minimal debt.
Develop coordinated academic policies and practices across schools and consistent job descriptions, training, and professional development opportunities for faculty and staff engaged in academic advising and support.
Investigate, choose, and develop plans to implement the technological tools needed to support the holistic and coordinated care of students and to facilitate student exploration and engagement.
Develop plans to implement evidence-based practices (a) to help students succeed in their courses, including proven strategies such as early alerts and notifications regarding academic progress, and (b) to help instructors to develop inclusive teaching skills, including supporting students who need to overcome limiting academic backgrounds.